Sunday, February 24, 2008

So Far So Good

A week into being on Facebook and I've already been contacted by 1) the girl who lived across the street from me when we were in kindergarten 2) someone I NEVER thought I'd get an interview with for a story and 3) a very surprising number of friends who have been on Facebook and I just didn't know.


As for the "Friends" question -- I'd love to say I'll accept all loyal blog readers' friendship requests. But I suppose for my own safety, I should say send the request and I'll use my best judgment. I'm not trying to get myself killed.

Happy Oscar Night, everybody!


Unknown said...

I have connected with a lot of old friends and classmates on facebook. it's great. But there is also a downside. I'm being found by people I don't really want to be in contact with anymore. I keep getting emails from a guy I used to work with 12 years ago. He won't leave me alone. Also, this woman I picked up at Victor's at last call tracked me down. That was a bummer- let's just say she wasn't as attractive at 9am as she was at 2:30am. All in all, facebook is great. I wonder if there is a way they can filter out all the creeps.

Unknown said...

Hello all...I need to recant my last facebook post. I met a woman at work this week and tracked her down on facebook. she really enjoys clubbing and says victor's, bbc and brew city are her favorite clubs. Armed with this info, I tracled her down at BBC on Friday night and locked it in. I'll admit, I was too early to judge facebook. For every fatty, there is a fox looking for fun too. Viva facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 packerfan said...


Sorry to post here but there is no other way to reach you post every Tuesday and Thursday thing? I'm thinig you've fell off the wagon??? Where are you oh great one and how is the reaction to Brett's retirement in Chi-town?

Just ed...